Chicago, like most metros it’s size, has a wide variety of ways to commute. In many cases, people who work in the metro find other ways to get to work that don’t involve driving a car. In recent years, the Windy City has been consistently rated as one of the most walk and bike-friendly cities […]
Car accident fatalities are increasing
If it seems that fatal accidents are on the increase in Illinois and throughout the country, the numbers support this. In the time period from 2014 to 2016, the last known years of statistics, the number of car accident fatalities rose by 13%. This presents additional challenges for regulators and law enforcement to keep the […]
Illinois State Police report yet another Scott’s Law-related crash
The names of the expressways are familiar to all those who drive into or out of Chicago: Dan Ryan, Stevenson, Kennedy, Edens, Eisenhower and others. Traffic seems to move at either a crawl or at breakneck speed on these heavily traveled highways. Pretty much every driver on Chicago’s expressways is in a hurry – that […]
Outsized dimensions: large truck/big rig crash outcomes
No careful Chicagoland motorist needs to be reminded that negotiating the streets and highways spanning the vast metro area is a challenging and risk-laden process. In a word, traffic is busy. It is also highly varied, with drivers and occupants in passenger vehicles sharing the road with a steady stream of cars, light trucks, buses, […]
Winter driving conditions in Chicago are risky
Winter in the city is a double-edged sword Winter in Chicago has both good and bad qualities. On the one hand, cold and snowy conditions impart a sense of coziness and enchantment, in part because of the holiday spirit that comes along with such weather. On the other, the cold can be biting because of […]
Head-on collision kills Shelbyville resident
Driving is often a routine part of one’s daily activities in Chicago. Thus, people technically put their lives on the line every day when they get behind the wheel. Most, however, feel comfortable that their own use of safe driving practices will help them to avoid collisions; they also might assume that others on the […]
Cook County sees increase in alcohol, speed fatalities
As vehicle technologies focused on safety continue to advance, people in Illinois might believe that fewer crashes should take place or that the injuries experienced in crashes should be less severe than those experienced in older vehicles without today’s modern safety features. Unfortunately, even the best technology seems to be unable to prevent drivers from […]
Higher speed limits leading to more traffic deaths
Speeding is perhaps the traffic violation that nearly all of us has been guilty of at one time or another. We lead busy lives and want to get where we’re going as quickly as we can. But the time we save by speeding may not be worth the risk. Research shows that speed-related crashes claim […]